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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Studio's and Birthday Parties

This has been a busy week, I am still cleaning out my home studio and I have moved out of the art gallery studio. 

Everything is under a tent in the back yard and after a few strong storms it is still standing... a little soggy but still standing...
I will be posting on the new look of my home studio and the progress I am making. 

For the past year it has been used as a storage space more or less. So I am in the process of taking out the bigger furniture items and putting them under the tent, along with rubber buckets of misc. that I am sorting through.

Since I have closed the shop I am full up to the brim... I have the garage full, storage space and my studio full of stuff! 

Are you hyperventilating yet?
It is time to edit my life. Do you see why my perspective got clouded? 
 But this is just stuff... it should not take priority over my relationships or emotions. I will not let things stuff  possessions become first in my life whether it is collecting, getting rid of or selling it. It will not get in between me and the Lord or my family.  For me it was the focus,  I became so focused on the problem and trying to get rid of it, that I lost my peace because I wasn't giving it over to the Lord. The Lord is good about getting your attention when it is off the track because He loves us. But it is sometimes a hard lesson.
I am now painting the studio and I have gotten this far...

I am sorting fabric and putting it into bins.

I will be selling off most of it or donating it. I have been trying to do shows but now I am going to be doing flea markets by my house just to downsize. 
This weekend I will be in the main building at Kane County Flea market. Come see me-
I will be loading up my blog-shop and etsy in the next few weeks also.
Can you believe what difference a year makes?
This studio was featured here last year...

And it looked like this...

I couldn't leave you with such ugly images, now could I? I will be redoing this space and taking you along with me in the next couple of weeks and then on to the garage... ugh!

I took a break over the weekend...
and went to Minnesota to celebrate two important birthdays.
My daughter Nicole turned 30

Happy Birthday!

My five daughters, my mother and me...
From left to right Sarah, Kerri, Jennifer, Nicole the birthday girl, me and Jody... my mom in front!

My son James


Jody and Savannah

Kerri, the twins and my mom
It was a fun time had by all and then the next day another party!

My sister Cindy turned the big

Happy Birthday, Sis...



  1. Oh, what a fun birthday party!!!!!

    If I lived close by you, I would be one of the early birds but for now I'll be watching your Etsy shop!!

    Your studio is experiencing a rebirth :)


  2. It's like this...
    if I lived ANY where close to you - you wouldn't be able to get me AWAY from helping you!!! You might have to check my pockets as I leave each day... but I'd help!!! ;-D

    I love LOVE how you are re-thinking and re-working your priorities... you ARE an inspiration.

    Happy Birthday to your daughter and sister!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  3. I love you!
    I know you know this but just thought you needed to hear it right now!
    Please take care and remember...I really can come to help! Would in a heartbeat if you only ask! (Might before you ask!)
    As you know... I just went through this myself and came out of it a changed person! I am so thankful that I allowed God to work in my life during this time...I really do have a new perspective on stuff!
    I knew He would do the same for you! It just took you coming to a complete stop before He could get your attention:)

  4. Man I hope I look that good at 60! You have a great plan, wish I could get to the flea market, you have fabulous fabric and supplies, yep, time to de clutter your life and brain!


  5. Hi Rebecca, you have such a beautiful family, and looks like everyone had a lot of fun together! I know exactly what you are talking about with all the stuff, (possessions) I feel like that's where I'm at right now! It begins to take over your life, if you let it... and I'm afraid that's what I have been doing for quite some time, neglecting the people and things that really matter. I can so relate to the things you have said today. I thank you for the inspiration!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  6. Hi Rebecca!Thanks for the visit today.Wow you sure have a big family of girls lol.I had 2 girls.They are grown and right about the age of yours.

    This blog I can relate to so well.After my husband died I was going crazy with what I thought was important things.I soon found out life is still good to me and my friends and loved ones matter so much more.

    God Bless and have a nice rest of the week!

  7. WOWIE. First, I can hardly tell the mom from the daughters. Congratulations on staying young for your family. You should be admired for sharing your storage challenges. We all have them. I feel so much better now from getting your perspective on priorities. It's 111 degrees in Texas today and I am overwhelmed with "stuff". Thanks for sharing.

  8. First of all Rebecca, many happy returns to your daughter. Our daughter turned 30 on August 1st and celebrated it in Paris no less !! ....and Happy 60th to your sister. She is the same age as me !! I must say that you are such a young and good looking family. Your sister doesn't look much older that 40 and I know that you look so young. You all must have a wonderful lifestyle and are doing everything right !!
    ......and, you have so much wonderful stuff !! I wish that I could come to any sale that you do. I know that I would walk home with so many of your beautiful treasures. !!
    Your newly painted studio looks so fresh and ready for more of your creations and all of your material looks so beautifully sorted and tidied. I think that you are really getting on top of everything and, it won't be long before your home will be looking empty and you will be wanting some of it back !!!! XXXX

  9. "Weather Bulletin...just in. Hurricane R.E. hit an isolated, undisclosed location in Illinois. Amazingly...no one was injured, but there are reports coming in of a certain looter trying to figure out how to make it there fromm Texas!"
    My gosh, but that's a lot of stuff...and all of it wonderful! You'll get it done on a time table that is perfect for you. I'm willing to bet a dollar to a donut that when you are finished, it will be even more stunning than before.
    P.S. Only you and your girls (Mom and son too) could rock those glasses and make 'em look chic!
    Happy birthday to the birthday gals.

  10. Rebecca you are such a gorgeous bunch!! Your daughters and son are movie star material. LOL!! (you and your momma, too) I know you have a lot to do, but slow and steady wins the race!
    xoxo Debra

  11. You ARE making progress!!! Good progress! And as was mentioned by several others - it will look even better than before...and only YOU could make that happen. Loved it before, so when you are done I am to be loving it times two :)

    I wish I had time to come up and see you at Kane County - I bet you will clean up. I mean how could anyone not love all that you would have?!?! Best wishes on the show!

    And last, but really first and foremost - you shared some great pictures of your wonderful family!!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face!


    "Her" and Romeo

  12. Wow, I -SO- understand. Thank you for your words: "For me it was the focus, I became so focused on the problem and trying to get rid of it, that I lost my peace because I wasn't giving it over to the Lord."

    You spoke straight to my heart. Exactly the same situation, and I lost my peace for the same reason. Thank you for putting my feeling into words, because I don't think I could verbalize it any better!

    Bless you,


  13. Rebecca,

    wow! what a handsome bunch as my Dad would say. Tell your sister she does not even look close to 60! You guys have good genes!

    Now, about the studio. My heart started racing I was so excited. This kind of project is what makes my heart sing. What is WRONG with me? Truly, I would love to be near you to come and help and believe me, I can get the hips a swaying and the sweat a beadin' as we "get er done"...
    again, what IS wrong with me that I love doing this?

    Maybe it's because they won't let me be queen and fix the world, I keep trying to fix garages and houses..Ya think?

    anyhoot, it will be fabulous and I cannot wait to follow along and see what you do. You and Donna make me feel like a slug with no current projects lol

  14. You will work your way through all the stuff one way or another. Just take it a bit at a time. And your studio will be a wonderful space yet again and even more beautiful than before. What a gorgeous family you are! Best wishes to the birthday girls! Happy day to you! Blessings, Tammy

  15. What a fun birthday party! You shared some great pictures of your wonderful family! Thank you.

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  16. Oh Rebecca- HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to your daughter and sister-so happy photoes from wonderful dayes :) you all looks beautiful.
    And my oh my- you have work to do sweetie. so many wonderful things in one place,-I wish I could come for the flea market- -and unfprtunately I`m not home in the week-end(going to my nieces wedding) so I just have to see what is left next week-when I return.
    But remember to breathe dear friend- and to relax in between.
    Love to you, and hugs,

  17. oh my what a busy bee u have been.... I could just dive right into ur vintage treasures and have a blst sorting them.... im very twisted that way. it was lovely seeing u at tipton....

  18. Rebecca...I can so relate to your post. I've had so much to do this year and had to dig deep to get it all done. Than you for sharing with us the transformation of your amazing place... You inspire us all.

    I haven't forgotten about the sweet email you sent me. I'll write back soon! What a blessing you are to me...to so many of us out here in Blogland. You certainly posses the spirit of the One who lives within you.

    Love to you~


  19. Hello Rebecca,
    Your studio looked gorgeous when they took pictures for the magazine, with a little time, patience and the Lord's help, it will look the same way again, I wish I lived closer to you, I could do some great shopping :)
    XXX Ido

  20. Looks like a fun birthday party Rebecca.

    Can´t wait to see your new studio when finished - I´m just drooling over all your fabric pieces. Oh - I wish I could come shopping. Love it all.

    Have a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  21. Hey Rebecca, First of all, stop being so hard on yourself. Artsy people have stuff to create with. You are artsy. You'll have stuff and you are making progress. Plus you have been on the road a lot and busy creating your beautiful artwork. You can't be everywhere and get everything done.

    Secondly, you have such a beautiful family. All of you. And you all look like sisters. How lucky! Happy birthday to your daughter and your sister.
    Your Mother must be proud to have you all there together. Families don't get together like that so much anymore. Ours does so we are blessed.

    Cindy Bee

    PS. And remember, my eight year old niece reminded me this summer....she said, "Cindy! You can't just pray and not believe.... HE'S a good guy, he'll be there for you. Let him take care of it!"

  22. Wow, you have a job ahead of you but I know you will feel great when you complete it. I think your studio was amazing and I know it will be again. You have a beautiful family.

  23. seems like you have it all under control- I am impressed. Love the studio in mag- will all come together soon.




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